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Feb 08,  · Successful Project Management - Kindle edition by Gido, Jack, Clements, Jim, Baker, Rose. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Successful Project blogger.coms: is a platform for academics to share research papers. A lot of questions come from people who don’t have answers to what they ask successful project management 7th edition pdf free download Read More».

successful project management 7th edition pdf download

Successful project management 7th edition pdf download

Project Identification 3. Project Selection 4. Project Charter 5. Preparing a Request for Proposal 6. Soliciting Proposals 7. Critical Success Factors 8. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.

Chapter Concepts This chapter discusses the initiating phase of the project life successful project management 7th edition pdf download. Based upon this chapter, students will become familiar with: How projects are identified and selected A project charter How to outsource projects using a request for proposal The proposal solicitation process.

Learning Outcomes After studying this chapter, the learner should be able to: 1. Discuss how projects are identified 2. Explain how projects are prioritized and selected 3. Identify and describe at least eight elements of a project charter 4. Prepare a project charter 5. Prepare a request for proposal. Teaching Strategies 1. The first vignette reinforces the need for a stakeholder engagement when proposing a project, planning the solution, and execution.

Have students describe the positives and negatives of stakeholder engagement. The second vignette reinforces that desired characteristics can be included in the RFP. Engaging students in a conversation of how to include desired characteristics in an RFP and how to evaluate those characteristics will help to reinforce the concepts related to RFP and proposal development.

Have the students read the case studies in class and answer the questions in groups of three or four. Next, select five participants to act out the group activity. This is an excellent way to stimulate class discussion and interest. This is a good case study to do right before you lecture on this chapter and then again after you lecture on the chapter. Ask your students to identify situations in the real world that would require an RFP. Ask them to describe in detail what the RFP might look like.

Lecture Notes 1, successful project management 7th edition pdf download. Kingdom was updated or new. The plan was to design new learning spaces and include the latest technology to meet the 21st-century standards for education.

Background information about the procurement process o. Construction projects are fraught with hazards. Sites include large equipment, moving parts, shifting earth, or high places.

Occupational accidents in the Chinese construction industry resulted in the death of more workers than any other industry including coal mining, successful project management 7th edition pdf download, and, worldwide, the construction industry is responsible for having the highest occupational injury rates Are there articular traits of management companies that would result in fewer accidents and reduced deaths due to occupational injuries?

Occupational fatalities occur even though emphasizing accident prevention and introduced occupational health and safety provisions. Demonstrated socialized characteristic behaviors including altruism, safety core value communication, support for employees with safe work habits, responsibility and accountability for safety incidents, and identification of safe practice.

Project manager training programs in the companies with fewer occupational injuries emphasized these socialized charismatic behaviors. Have students discuss how to include in the RFP the characteristics desired in a contractor.

The researchers in the vignette found that Safety mindedness can be a selection criteria element. How would they create an evaluation to measure the desired characteristic? Project Identification The initiating phase of the project life cycle starts with recognizing a need, problem, or opportunity for which a project or projects will be identified to address the need.

Identified in various ways: o. It is important to clearly define the need. This may require gathering data about the need or opportunity to help determine whether it is worth pursuing. Sometimes organizations identify several or many needs but have limited funds and people available to address all those needs, successful project management 7th edition pdf download. In such cases, the company must go through a decision-making process to prioritize and select those projects that will result in the greatest overall benefit.

Project Selection Project selection involves evaluating various needs or opportunities, and then deciding which of those should move forward as projects to be implemented. The benefits and consequences, advantages and disadvantages, plusses and minuses of each opportunity need to be considered and evaluated.

These factors can be quantitative and qualitative, tangible and intangible. Each person's decision will be a combination of quantitative evaluation and "gut" feelings based upon experience. The steps in project selection are to: o. Gather data successful project management 7th edition pdf download information for each opportunity to help ensure an intelligent decision regarding project selection.

Once all the data and information has been collected, analyzed, and summarized for each opportunity, successful project management 7th edition pdf download, it should be given to all the individuals who are responsible for performing the evaluation. Figure 2. Have students describe the positive and negatives of possible scenarios for a development project.

Project Charter Once a project has been selected, it is formally authorized using a project charter, sometimes called a project authorization or project initiation document. Summarizes the key conditions and parameters for the project and establishes the framework for developing a detailed baseline plan for performing the project.

The image here is only a section of the entire charter in the text. Have students review the parts successful project management 7th edition pdf download the project charter and comment on the completeness of the information and how it could be developed from the statements in an RFP and the evaluation criteria for the project. Preparing a Request for Proposal If an organization does not have the expertise or staff capacity to plan and perform the project or major portions of the project, outsourcing the work to an external resource contractor is a choice.

A request for proposals helps the organization decide which contractor to use. In many situations a formal RFP might not be prepared; instead, the need is communicated informally—and sometimes orally rather than in writing.

This is often the case when the project will be implemented by a firm's internal staff rather than by an external contractor.

Following are some guidelines for drafting a formal request for proposal to external contractors: o. The RFP must state the project objective or purpose, including any rational or background information that may be helpful to contractors so that they can prepare thorough and responsive proposals.

An SOW deals with the scope of the project, outlining the tasks or work items the customer wants the contractor or project team to perform. The RFP must include the customer requirements, which define specifications and attributes.

The customer may also use these requirements as acceptance criteria. The RFP should state what deliverables, or tangible items, the customer expects the contractor to provide. They can include periodic progress reports or a final report as well as a final product.

Some RFPs mention the type of contract the customer intends to use. It could be fixed price, in which case the customer will pay the contractor a fixed amount regardless of how much the work actually costs the contractor. The contractor accepts the risk of taking a successful project management 7th edition pdf download. Or the contract might be for time and materials.

In this case, the customer will pay the contractor whatever the actual costs are. An RFP might state the payment terms the customer intends to use. The customer may specify progress payments or pay when the entire project is finished. The RFP should state the required schedule for completion of the project and key milestones. It might state simply a required completion date or it might give a more detailed schedule. The RFP should provide instructions for the format and content of the contractor proposals.

Instructions might state the maximum number of pages, the number of details the customer wants the contractor to show regarding the costs, and other specifications. The RFP should indicate the due date by which the customer expects potential contractors to submit proposals. An RFP may include the evaluation criteria that will be used to evaluate proposals from competing contractors. Criteria might include the following:.

In rare cases an RFP will indicate the amount of money the customer has available to spend on the project. Contractors can then submit proposals appropriate to that level of funding. The image here is a small section of the RFP in the text. Have students review the parts of the RFP and list any additional questions they would have.

These are the types of questions that would be submitted in RFP clarification meetings. Have students suggest how they would respond to the RFP. One way for customers to notify potential bidders is by identifying a selected group of contractors in advance and sending each of them a copy of the RFP. Another approach to soliciting proposals is to advertise in certain business newspapers and on websites that the RFP is available. Customers should be careful not to provide to any of the contractors information that is not provided to all.

Not all project life cycles include the preparation of a written RFP. Some bypass the proposal steps and move successful project management 7th edition pdf download into planning and performing the project. There are other projects in which requirements are not written down in a formal RFP but are communicated verbally to several providers or suppliers contractors, successful project management 7th edition pdf download.

Although projects can be businesslike or informal, they all start with the identification of a need, problem, or opportunity. When selecting a project from among several needs or opportunities, management should base the decision on which project will provide the greatest overall benefits compared to its costs and possible consequences. Having a well-understood evaluation and selection process and a well-rounded committee will increase the chances of making the best project selection decision.

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PMBOK 7th Edition What is Changing?

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Successful project management 7th edition pdf download

successful project management 7th edition pdf download

Feb 08,  · Successful Project Management - Kindle edition by Gido, Jack, Clements, Jim, Baker, Rose. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Successful Project blogger.coms: Teach your students everything they need to know to work successfully in today's exciting project management environment with Gido/Clements/Baker's SUCCESSFUL PROJECT MANAGEMENT, 7E. This best-selling text details how to organize as well as manage effective project teams -- from planning and scheduling to cost management. is a platform for academics to share research papers.

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